How to Add Functions (including useState) to TypeScript Interfaces

Omar Shishani
1 min readSep 10, 2021


I was having trouble finding out how to add functions to TypeScript interfaces. When I finally found out how I decided to write this. I’ll show the format immediatly below:

export default function CardExpirationField({
}: {
showCardExpirationError: boolean,
setValidCardExpiration(arg: boolean): void,
setShowCardExpirationError(arg: boolean): void,
setCardExpirationValue(cardExpirationInput: string): void,
cardExpirationHasBeenBlurred: boolean,
}) {

We can see that to create a type for a function, we need to use the format functionName(nameForArgument: [argument type]): [type] . We need to write the function name with parentheses directly after. Inside the parentheses, we create a name for any arguments passed to the function (separated by comma), and set the expected types of those arguments. We set a colon “:” after the function name and then write the type of the expected output of the function.

Easy once you know how to do it!



Omar Shishani
Omar Shishani

Written by Omar Shishani

Hi! I am a React developer who loves technology and learning new things in all different fields.

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